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  • Writer's picturepayfaye

Talk about patience, do you have any?

Daily writing prompt from of all places daily page. Patience, do I have any...sometimes it feels...

bottomless... i am patiently cringing as all the subconscious thoughts work their way out into ...actions and slights among side lined comments, and deep breaths...and huffing....i am patiently waiting for everyone to grow up... calm down, or that one group to be a bit more childish....

listen to me...i am patiently move on...or turn that frown upside a blank stare patiently awaiting....for my nausea to pass as society dips and sways on the brink of one calamity to that next tragic news headline.... I am patiently waiting for people to give two flying hallelujahs...I do really so I do.. give a F*#K about things beyond...sports....beyond...make up...beyond matching appliances, car leases...paper jams ruining your day.... bigger things than quid pro quo statements tossed back and forth in the communication energy field.... patiently awaiting the left and the blow each others minds...while being sidelined staring down each others' hard lines into the depth of narrow sighted resistance....while polarization sweeps the minds of the but spoiled by being raised in so and so country, with so and so identities, and so and so fairy tales, myths and nation state ideology with economic systems dividing life with monetary value by...horrible parents which they will carry into many conversations, as their red badge of courage framing many moments to come for them, with an anchor of identity...or tainted with the rot of despairing beginnings of < not to much > ... or... < way too much>...or sometimes the hardest thing to pay great attention to because conversation or thoughts stray to extremes...whoa to the unfortunate (fortunates)...mediocrity: with the basic 'just enough' that tends to feels like abundance and lack mixed up into boredom....and I am already lost in the dull and blah....and now I am impatiently waiting to move on...

and on i go. I'm patiently holding out...between feelings of contempt and jump on the bed joy... alright... i'm impatient...i'm jumping...on the bed...and then impatiently I will hold the man made world in stinging i brood on how human mechanisms are failing to function for the benefit of the whole....

now back to what I feel I have some control over....while noting I am impatient with the feeling of "all of this is out of my hands" YET...patient with my acceptance of these feeling and will consider this part of self knowing.... I'm patient with mistakes... and have grown to be out of necessity; as anything else can create long obsessive states of anxiety...over issues of "spelling"...issues of spelling words this is an eye roll....(oh how I lament on the fortunes of my lamenting, such as spelling), which may at any given moment be harped on by a million peering eyes in the audience of my mind of snotty fine detailed critics combing to find fault for propping up each million individual imaginary egos, ...spelling elite. So I am patient with my spelling and everyone else's..

i am patiently awaiting the age of Aquarius to burst into some sort of truth...that is full of love. something super pure...and multi dimensional. waiting...waiting....waiting i hope not forever.

i am patient with dust is patient with me currently i am allergy free and so dust is no enemy. But a few times a week... war is being waged, but only with a water dampened cloth... free of man-made chemistry.

i am patient but not always patient enough with Noah...and Josh. but to be fair... it's a family affair of relating to the fact that we are all impatient with each other and then extremely patient because here we are...every morning repeating our love rituals and noise chatter...

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