we all have a way to put the pieces of our life in some sort of context. the story of me, my connection to myself and everything that has happened up to this very moment. like many.... i have been trying to gather my voice, and share my own narrative identity. the challenges have reared themselves in all kinds of forms in various phases/periods of my life... through discussions and blogs i have highlighted my own redemption sequences. redemption sequences are the raunch of negative emotions fully lived and then turned to positive attributions of self, and meaning making that takes the shit of life to turn it into gold, a personalized alchemical process, of a philosopher stone mythology actualized. each of us and our choices to make magick.... to mote it be. my narrative identity is sprinkled, speckled, sprayed like graffiti...hung with totems and sewed with sinew of guts....my gutskin soul...spirit of 'wild' mixed with domestic 'subdued'... this blog keeps that narrative going. pieces are lost in the entangling of time, but the consciousness of what has been, what i have seen within.... around me and what i have felt on all dimensions is carried within every moment...and beyond the words...yet with these words is a life time of vision and sensations, my awareness is present. i am available, something i have been repeating off and on, among others, hearing these words pass my lips. "i am available'...means you can join me. i am here, and able....to be a part of the process right now, are you?
some of the snares that circle in my wiring which are of inspection and needing re-routeing when a counter spiral of thoughts leads me downward into the raunch and shit.... would be hang ups, on the drama of life situations and all that others bring...and i am angry or needing a reverse action, re-route, rewire...reverse the spiral. that's a little bit of the alchemy.... well... this like all things is 'a work in progress', trully. this is a process.
For learning more about your own narrative identity check out Dan P. McAdams1 and Kate C. McLean' Narrative Identity paper