curled up in a cradle of curvaceous bone
on one frigid summer’s day
you entered
...thought to myself, I will be the one to stab you
but not with the knife you brought as my gift…
just below where that baby sleeps disfigured and half-tamed
you entered and she woke
on behalf of everyone else, you will be coerced
taking into account a perceived weakness
now it’s time to cry, come on baby…cry
weep little fawn…keep weeping
…but baby knows, what you don’t
She is wicked and wielding
my dark shelter
a precious veiled advantage
walking out the front door
mask off with your ridiculous cheap kitchen knife stuffed back into your backpack
offering to drive you to the bank
…needing just a few more moments baby...
when the cops surround the car, guns drawn
baby stops crying, immediately
once they have you…
blunt like that blade and raw like your pig thrusts
…I tell the officers, “he raped me..."
baby whispers, extirpating words
”you are fucking finished”
sealed and sentenced, baby carried it all the way through
my little shade will gnaw and feast on you for 27 years
nestled here right at the bottom of my brain
shh … hush sweet baby