1. Ateh (ah-tay)
2. Malkuth (mahl-kooth)
3. Vegeburah (vey-geb-boo-rah)
4. Vegehdula (vey-ged-dool-lah)
5. Le Olam, Amen (lee oh-lom ah-men)
6. Eastern is YHVH, or Yehowah (yay-ho-wah)
7. Southern is ADNI (Adonai), pronounced (ah-don-eye)
8. Western is AHIH, or Eheieh (pronounced eh-hee-yay)
9. Northern is AGLA (ah-gay-la)
10. “Before me, Raphael” (raf-ee-el)
11. “Behind me, Gabriel” (gay-bree-el)
12. “On my right hand, Michael” (mee-kai-el)
13. “On my left hand, Uriel” (yur-ee-el)
14. Metatron (met-ah-tron)
15. Sandalphon (sahn-doll-phon)
16. “For around me flame the pentagrams.”
17. “Within me shines the six-rayed star.”