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August -A Big Thank You-


Suddenly it is August and July slipped right into already over.

July and August have been full of wishes fulfilled and heartbreaking realities. Now we are nearing the end of the 8th month in the year, and I have some time to sit... (take a breather Patience ).

The major highlights

(((my most favorite parts of the last two months)))

Small conversations with Noah, as he describes the business, he is trying to create while watching him explore a different creative side of himself. Seeing his final project porotype, and feeling a sense of pride in the process he is undergoing. Noah at age 19 - full of all the mystique that comes with parenting a teen. Tipping my hat to all that real deep shit that only parents of teens can relate to and recount as the harrowing years. I am so happy that we have been able to make this work because it sure has been a touch-and-go emotional rollercoaster. Thank you for the late-night dinner moments,in the car conversations, the popping upstairs to share an idea interludes, and the hug it out sessions. Thank you for being around, making efforts, sharing your struggles, feeling comfortable to be your true self, staying present, cleaning your room, for forgiving us for being annoying parents, and making efforts (mentioned already but really....THANK YOU)! It has not gone unnoticed.

I met some fantastic folks with unpretentious, down to earth make you smile vibrations. (thank you divine)

Tanglewood nights- the Post Modern Jukebox and the Boston Symphony with John Williams making a special appearance- woot!

I have been spending time with my nephew and niece; they are both getting so big. They bring me joyful LAUGHTER and moments of pause - astonishing flashes of wonder.

I feel grateful for being a part of Harley's father's birthday memorial day.

The dog sitting and walking buisness has drawn some pretty awesome dogs into our lives. Wag and Rover have been incredible tools for the Dog Love business.

Nature! - walks, hikes, drives, mountain tops, squirrels in my yard who are bold and checking me out, the bird's nest in our birdhouse, spider webs, spider eggs full of baby spiders...hatching in my house lol to be gently brought outside one by one, and it never ends.

In July, we reconnected with the first guide dog we raised. Her person, Gail, is writing a book about guide dogs. Pippi, being a fantastic inspiration to everyone who meets her, has been a great guide dog for Gail — knowing that Pippi is doing well and getting updates now = peace.

Ashley and Storm - pulling off a grand love story, raising kids and being a force for love in her family (thank you divine, boom !)

I was hired by a family to work with an amazing young lady- who I enjoy spending time with every day and find her to be an absolute refreshing delight. I still can't express how excellent this turn of events has been. The universe has put me right into the middle of a fantastic situation. Due to leaving BBBS, and boldly just walking away with no plan. Going out on a wacky limb to work in the aviation industry (which I had no experience what so ever...desire central dreams- in consideration of discomfort turns growth.... somehow I just needed to follow my longing to travel, ultimately to live an unconventional office free life. Here is to not being intimidated or beholden to power dynamics that keep me feeling stuck, meek, or ....and Josh followed suit giving me the open the door to do what so ever....which led me to Delta...which led me to meet this incredible family....and now I have been bestowed the highest honor anyone can be given (in my opinion) to help a young person grow to reach goals and have a fulfilling, happy life. The universe asked me to trust the process and to follow through, and I am heeding the call. I am doing it! So a million thank yous would never truly express the sincere gratitude I feel, and the only way I can repay everyone who has made this a possibility in my life is to serve the process to the very best of my ability for as long as what I have to offer is needed.

HEDY AND WILLOW!!! Clowns in fur coats who love the puppy pool and act like goofballs competing for laughs. (thank you divine)

the lows

Cancer- Hedy has it. She was released from Guiding Eyes due to her health issues. Now we can add cancer to the list of things Hedy is living with successfully. When I say living, let me tell you, Hedy could care less that she has cancer!!! (((She runs, sleeps, smiles, and is as sweet and naughty as ever))) Just as she has seemed to overcome the joint genetic disorder by not giving two poops about it. She has approached cancer with the same mindset. Hedy had to have major surgery last month it was hard - to watch her go through the healing processes. The best and only mindset that works: we are taking each happy day as a blessing.

All other lows are just tumbling away in the time to look back.

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